Doctor Who Wiki
First Doctor
Също познат/а като:
Раса: Gallifreyan - Time Lord
Родна планета: Gallifrey
Ера на живеене: Rassilon Era
Появявания: Full List of Appearances
Актьор: William Hartnell
Richard Hurndall (DW: The Five Doctors only)


Copy and paste all of the text below onto whichever article page it is needed for (even if some fields are not needed copy all of the text).

{{Infobox Individual
|individual name  = 
|alias            = 
|image            = 
|race             = 
|home planet      = 
|home era         = 
|appearances      = 
|actor            = 

Description of fields[]

Below is what each of the fields of the infobox means.

{{Infobox Individual
|individual name  = Name
|alias            = Known aliases
|image            = Image of the individual
|race             = Race of the individual
|home planet      = Planet of origin
|home era         = Era of origin
|appearances      = Appearances made in all media
|actor            = Actors playing the character


See right side of page
