Camille F. Coduri (ganwyd 18 Ebrill 1965) chwaraeodd y cymeriad Jackie Tyler yn hanner rheolaidd yn Doctor Who gan ddechrau gyda stori 2005, Rose. Cafodd hi ei hymddangosiad rheolaidd yn y gyfres gyda stori 2006, Doomsday. Yn hwyrach, dychwelodd hi am ddiweddglo cyfres 2008, Journey's End, a chameo mewn stori olaf David Tennant, The End of Time. Cymerodd hi rhan yn yr episôd arbennig The Weakest Link: Doctor Who Special gan ennill £16,550 ar gyfer ei helusen hi.
Ers 2017, dychwelodd hi i rôl Jackie am gyfresi sain Big Finish: The Ninth Doctor Chronicles, The Tenth Doctor Adventures, Short Trips, The Lives of Captain Jack a Rose Tyler.
Mewn cyd-ddigwyddiad, chwaraeodd hi cymeriad arall o'r enw Jackie yn ffilm 2002, Mrs Caldicott's Cabbage War, ynghyd Pauline Collins a Peter Capaldi.
Mae'n fam i Rosa Coduri.
fel Jackie Tyler
Doctor Who[]
- Rose
- The End of the World
- Aliens of London / World War Three
- Father's Day
- The Parting of the Ways
- The Christmas Invasion
- New Earth
- Rise of the Cybermen / The Age of Steel (hefyd Jackie Tyler byd Pete)
- Love & Monsters
- Army of Ghosts / Doomsday
- Journey's End
- The End of Time
The Ninth Doctor Chronicles[]
- Retail Therapy
The Lives of Captain Jack[]
- Wednesday for Beginners
- Crush
- R&J
The Tenth Doctor Chronicles[]
- Infamy of the Zaross
Once and Future[]
- Two's Company
Doom's Day[]
- A Date with Destiny
The Diary of River Song[]
- Harvest of the Krotons
Rose Tyler[]
- The Endless Night (fel Jackie Reeve)
- Ghost Machines (fel Jackie eiledol)
- The Last Party on Earth
- Saltwater
- Now is the New Dark (hefyd Jackie eiledol)
- The Rogue Planet (hefyd Jackie Prentice)
- Sink or Swim
- The Good Samaritan
Short Trips[]
- The Seige of Big Ben
- Flight into Hull!
Adrodd sainlyfrau[]
BBC New Series Adventures[]
- The Monsters Inside
- Winner Takes All
- The Stealers of Dreams
Nofeleiddiadau Target[]
- Rose
- The Christmas Invasion