Cyfrifoldeb Cynhyrchydd yw i rheoli cynhyrchiad cyfres neu stori. Yn aml y cynhyrchydd sydd yn rheoli llogu'r cyfarwyddwr a gweddill y criw hŷn, derbyn neu wrthod lleoliadau ffilmio, ac yn sicrhau bod y cynhyrchiad yn cwblhau yn yr amser atodol gan aros o fewn eu llog. Yn nyddiau cynnar y sioe, dyma'r swydd hynaf oedd i gael ar y tîm, gan fod y lais terfynnol am bopeth i wneud â'r sioe, ond ers ddychweliad y sioe yn 2005 mae gan y swydd eisioes llai o gyfrifoldebau trwy ganolbwynio ar gynhyrchu'r episôdau atodol yn unig.
Yr isod yw rhestr cynhyrchyddion Doctor Who a'r cyfresi deilliedig.
Doctor Who[]
Cynhyrchydd | Cyfresi | Storïau | Doctorau |
Verity Lambert | Hen Gyfres 1 (1963-64) Hen Gyfres 2 (1964-65) Hen Gyfres 3 (1965) |
Galaxy 4 Mission to the Unknown |
Doctor Cyntaf |
John Wiles | Hen Gyfres 3 (1965-66) | The Myth Makers The Daleks' Master Plan The Massacre The Ark |
Doctor Cyntaf |
Innes Lloyd | Hen Gyfres 3 (1966) Hen Gyfres 4 (1966-67) Hen Gyfres 5 (1967-68) |
The Celestial Toymaker The Gunfighters The Savages The War Machines Hen Gyfres 4 The Abominable SnowmenThe Smugglers The Tenth Planet The Power of the Dalek The Highlanders The Moonbase The Underwater Menace The Macra Terror The Faceless Ones The Evil of the Daleks The Ice Warriors The Enemy of the World |
Doctor Cyntaf Ail Ddoctor |
Peter Bryant | Hen Gyfres 5 (1967-68) Hen Gyfres 6 (1968-69) |
The Tomb of the Cybermen The Web of Fear Fury from the Deep The Wheel in Space The Dominators The Mind Robber The Invasion The Krotons The Seeds of Death The Space Pirates |
Ail Ddoctor |
Derrick Sherwin | Hen Gyfres 6 (1966) Hen Gyfres 7 (1970) |
The War Games Spearhead from Space |
Ail Ddoctor Trydydd Doctor |
Barry Letts | Hen Gyfres 7 (1970) Hen Gyfres 8 (1971) Hen Gyfres 9 (1972) Hen Gyfres 10 (1972-73) Hen Gyfres 11 (1973-74) Hen Gyfres 12 (1974-75) |
Doctor Who and the Silurians The Ambassadors of Death Inferno Hen Gyfres 8 Terror of the Autons The Mind of Evil The Claws of Axos The Colony in Space The Dæmons Hen Gyfres 9 Hen Gyfres 10 Hen Gyfres 11 Robot
The Time Warrior Invasion of the Dinosaurs Death to the Daleks The Monster of Peladon Planet of the Spiders |
Trydydd Doctor Pedwerydd Doctor |
Philip Hinchcliffe | Hen Gyfres 12 (1975) Hen Gyfres 13 (1975-76) Hen Gyfres 14 (1976-77) |
The Ark in Space The Sontaran Experiment Genesis of the Daleks Revenge of the Cybermen Hen Gyfres 13 Terror of the Zygons Planet of Evil Pyramids of Mars The Android Invasion The Brain of Morbius The Seeds of Doom Hen Gyfres 14
The Masque of Mandragora The Hand of Fear The Deadly Assassin The Face of Evil The Robots of Death The Talons of Weng-Chiang |
Pedwerydd Doctor |
Graham Williams | Hen Gyfres 15 (1977-78) Hen Gyfres 16 (1978-79) Hen Gyfres 17 (1979-80) |
Hen Gyfres 15 Horror of Fang Rock The Invisible Enemy Image of the Fendahl The Sun Makers Underworld The Invasion of Time Hen Gyfres 16 The Ribos Operation The Pirate Planet The Stones of Blood The Androids of Tara The Power of Kroll The Armageddon Factor Hen Gyfres 17
Destiny of the Daleks City of Death The Creature from the Pit Nightmare of Eden The Horns of Nimon Shada |
Pedwerydd Doctor |
John Nathan-Turner | Hen Gyfres 18 (1980-81) Hen Gyfres 19 (1982) Hen Gyfres 20 (1983) Hen Gyfres 21 (1984) Hen Gyfres 22 (1985) Hen Gyfres 23 (1986) Hen Gyfres 24 (1987) Hen Gyfres 25 (1988-89) Hen Gyfres 26 (1989) |
Hen Gyfres 18 Hen Gyfres 20 The Five DoctorsHen Gyfres 21 Warriors of the Deep The Awakening Frontios Resurrection of the Daleks Planet of Fire The Caves of Androzani The Twin Dilemma Hen Gyfres 22 Attack of the Cybermen Vengeance on Varos The Mark of the Rani The Two Doctors Timelash Revelation of the Daleks Hen Gyfres 23 The Mysterious Planet Mindwarp Terror of the Vervoids The Ultimate Foe Hen Gyfres 24 Hen Gyfres 25 Remembrance of the Daleks The Happiness Patrol Silver Nemesis The Greatest Show in the Galaxy Hen Gyfres 26
Battlefield Ghost Light The Curse of Fenric Survival |
Pedwerydd Doctor Pumed Doctor Chweched Doctor Seithfed Doctor |
Peter V. Ware | (1996) | Doctor Who | Wythfed Doctor |
Phil Collinson | Cyfres 1 (2005) Cyfres 2 (2005-06) Cyfres 3 (2006-07) Cyfres 4 (2007-08) |
Cyfres 1 Rose The End of the World The Unquiet Dead Aliens of London World War Three Dalek The Long Game Father's Day The Empty Child The Doctor Dances Boom Town Bad Wolf The Parting of the Ways Cyfres 2 The Christmas Invasion New Earth Tooth and Claw School Reunion The Girl in the Fireplace Rise of the Cybermen The Age of Steel The Idiot's Lantern The Impossible Planet The Satan Pit Love & Monsters Fear Her Army of Ghosts Doomsday Cyfres 3 Voyage of the DamnedThe Runaway Bride Smith and Jones The Shakespeare Code Gridlock Daleks in Manhattan Evolution of the Daleks The Lazarus Experiment 42 Blink Utopia The Sound of Drums Last of the Time Lords Partners in Crime The Fires of Pompeii The Doctor's Daughter Silence in the Library Midnight The Stolen Earth Journey's End |
Nawfed Doctor Degfed Doctor |
Suzie Liggat | Cyfres 3 (2007) Cyfres 4 (2008) |
Human Nature The Family of Blood Planet of the Ood The Sontaran Stratagem The Poison Sky The Unicorn and the Wasp Turn Left |
Degfed Doctor |
Tracie Simpson | Cyfres 4 (2009-10) Cyfres 5 (2010) |
Planet of the Dead The End of Time The Eleventh Hour The Time of Angels Flesh and Stone The Vampires of Venice (gyda Patrick Schweitzer) Amy's Choice Vincent and the Doctor (gyda Patrick Schweitzer) The Lodger |
Degfed Doctor Unarddegfed Doctor |
Nikki Wilson | Cyfres 4 (2009) Cyfres 8 (2014) Cyfres 9 (2015) Cyfres 10 (2017) Cyfres 13 (2021-22) |
The Waters of Mars Deep Breath Into the Dalek Robot of Sherwood The Caretaker Flatline Sleep No More Face the Raven The Husbands of River Song Thin Ice Knock Knock Oxygen Empress of Mars The Eaters of Light The Halloween Apocalypse War of the Sontarans Village of the Angels Legend of the Sea Devils The Power of the Doctor |
Degfed Doctor Deuddegfed Doctor Trydydd ar Ddegfed Doctor |
Peter Bennett | Cyfres 5 (2010) Cyfres 8 (2014) Cyfres 9 (2015) Cyfres 10 (2016-17) |
The Beast Below Victory of the Daleks The Hungry Earth Cold Blood The Pandorica Opens The Big Bang Listen Time Heist Kill the Moon Mummy on the Orient Express Dark Water Death in Heaven The Magician's Apprentice The Witch's Familiar The Zygon Invasion The Zygon Inversion Heaven Sent Hell Bent The Return of Doctor Mysterio The Pilot Smile Extremis The Pyramid at the End of the World The Lie of the Land World Enough and Time The Doctor Falls Twice Upon a Time |
Unarddegfed Doctor Deuddegfed Doctor |
Patrick Schweitzer | Cyfres 5 (2010) | The Vampires of Venice (gyda Patrick Schweitzer) Vincent and the Doctor (gyda Patrick Schweitzer) |
Unarddegfed Doctor |
Sanne Wohlenberg | Cyfres 6 (2010-11) | A Chrismas Carol The Doctor's Wife Night Terrors |
Unarddegfed Doctor |
Marcus Wilson | Cyfres 6 (2011) Cyfres 7 (2012-13) Episodau arbennig 2013 (2013) |
The Impossible Astronaut Day of the Moon The Curse of the Black Spot The Rebel Flesh The Almost People A Good Man Goes to War Let's Kill Hitler The Girl Who Waited The God Complex The Wedding of River Song The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe Asylum of the Daleks Dinosaurs on a Spaceship A Town Called Mercy The Power of Three The Angels Take Manhattan The Snowmen Cold War Hide Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS The Crimson Horror The Day of the Doctor The Time of the Doctor |
Unarddegfed Doctor |
Denise Paul | Cyfres 6 (2011) Cyfres 7 (2013) |
Closing Time The Bells of Saint John The Rings of Akhaten Nightmare in Silver The Name of the Doctor The Night of the Doctor |
Unarddegfed Doctor |
Paul Frift | Cyfres 8 (2014) Cyfres 9 (2014) |
In the Forest of the Night Last Christmas |
Deuddegfed Doctor |
Derek Ritchie | Cyfres 9 (2014) | Under the Lake Before the Flood The Girl Who Died The Woman Who Lived |
Deuddegfed Doctor |
Alex Mercer | Cyfres 11 (2018-19) Cyfres 12 (2020-21) |
Cyfres 11 The Woman Who Fell to Earth The Ghost Monument (gyda Adam Friedlander) Rosa (gyda Adam Friedlander) Arachnids in the UK The Tsuranga Conudrum Demons of the Punjab Kerblam! The Witchfinders It Takes You Away The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos Resolution Cyfres 12
Spyfall (gyda Adam Friedlander) Orphan 55 Nikola Tesla's Night of Terror Fugitive of the Judoon Praxeus (gyda Adam Friedlander) Can You Hear Me? The Haunting of Villa Diodati Ascension of the Cybermen The Timeless Children Revolution of the Daleks |
Trydydd ar Ddegfed Doctor |
Adam Friedland | Cyfres 11 (2018) Cyfres 12 (2020) |
The Ghost Monument (gyda Alex Mercer) Rosa (gyda Alex Mercer) Spyfall (gyda Alex Mercer) Praxeus (gyda Alex Mercer) |
Trydydd ar Ddegfed Doctor |
Pete Levy | Cyfres 13 (2021) | Once, Upon Time Survivors of the Flux The Vanquishers |
Trydydd ar Ddegfed Doctor |
Sheena Bucktowonsing | Cyfres 13 (2021) | Eve of the Daleks | Trydydd ar Ddegfed Doctor |
Vicki Delow | Episodau 60fed penblwydd (2023) Cyfres 14 (2024) |
The Star Beast Wild Blue Yonder The Giggle Space Babies Boom 73 Yards Dot and Bubble The Legend of Ruby Sunday Empire of Death |
Pedwerydd ar Ddegfed Doctor Pymthegfed Doctor |
Chris May | Cyfres 14 (2023-24) | The Church on Ruby Road The Devil's Chord Rogue |
Pymthegfed Doctor |
K9 and Company[]
- A Girl's Best Friend - John Nathan-Turner
Cyfres 1 a 2[]
- Richard Stokes
Cyd-gynhyrchwyd Random Shoes ac Adrift gan Sophie Fante.
Cyfres 3[]
Cyfres 4[]
- Kelly A Manners
- Brian Minchin
Cynhyrchodd Manners ochr Americanaidd y gyfres, tra gynhyrchodd Minchin ochr DU'r gyfres am yr episodau The New World, The Categories of Life a The Middle Men.
The Sarah Jane Adventures[]
Invasion of the Bane[]
- Susie Liggat
Cyfres 1[]
- Matthew Bouch
Cyfres 2 a 3[]
Cyfres 4 a 5[]
- Brian Minchin
- Derek Ritchie
- Penny Wall
- Richard Stewart
- Simon Barnes