Jodie Auckland Whittaker (ganwyd 17 Mehefin 1982) oedd actores a chwaraeodd y Trydydd ar Ddegfed Doctor yn Doctor Who, gan ddechrau gyda'r stori deledu 2017 Twice Upon a Time.
Gyda'i pherfformiad, hi yw'r fenyw gyntaf i chwarae ygorfforiad o'r Doctor ar-sgrîn ers Joanna Lumley yn 1999 gyda The Curse of Fatal Death. Mewn cyd-ddigwyddiad, chwaraeodd Lumley fersiwn arall o'r Trydydd ar Ddegfed Doctor.
Lleisiodd hi hefyd y Doctor yn y wê-gast 'Twas the Night Before Christmas, y gêm VR The Runaway, y gêm ystafell dianc Worlds Collide, y gemau VR The Edge of Time a The Edge of Reality', yr ail êm ystafell dianc A Dalek Awakens a'r podlediad 10-rhan Doctor Who: Redacted. Ymddangosodd hi hefyd yn Time Fracture.
Doctor Who[]
- Twice Upon a Time
- The Woman Who Fell to Earth
- The Ghost Monument
- Rosa
- Arachnids in the UK
- The Tsuranga Conundrum
- Demons of the Punjab
- Kerblam!
- The Witchfinders
- It Takes You Away
- The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos
- Resolution
- Spyfall
- Orphan 55
- Nikola Tesla's Night of Terror
- Fugitive of the Judoon
- Praxeus
- Can You Hear Me?
- The Haunting of Villa Diodati
- Ascension of the Cybermen / The Timeless Children
- Revolution of the Daleks
- The Flux is Coming...
- The Halloween Apocalypse
- War of the Sontarans
- Once, Upon Time
- Village of the Angels
- Survivors of the Flux
- The Vanquishers
- Eve of the Daleks
- Legend of the Sea Devils
- The Power of the Doctor
- Meet the Thirteenth Doctor
- 2020: The Movie
Doctor Who: Lockdown[]
- Message from the Doctor
- United we stand, 2m apart
Dramâu llwyfan[]
Ystafelloedd dianc[]
- World Collide
- A Dalek Awakens
Time Lord Victorious[]
- Time Fracture
BBC Learning[]
- Coding with the Thirteenth Doctor
- The Runaway
- The Edge of Time
- The Edge of Reality
Ffôn symudol[]
- The Lonely Assassins
Doctor Who: Redacted[]
- Introducing Doctor Who: Redacted
- Recruits
- Requiem
- Ghosts
- Salvastion