Wici Cymraeg Doctor Who
Wici Cymraeg Doctor Who

Dyma rhestr ymddangosiadau'r Racsacoricoffalapatoriaid. Efallai bydd gennych ddiddordeb yn rhestr ymddangosiadau'r Teulu Slitheen.

Teitl Cyfrwng Cyfres Awdur Dyddiad rhyddhau
Aliens of London / World War Three Teulu Cyfres 1 Doctor Who Russell T Davies 16 - 23 Ebrill 2005
Dalek Robert Shearman 30 Ebrill 2005
Boom Town Russell T Davies 4 Mehefin 2005
Revenge of the Slitheen Cyfres 1 The Sarah Jane Adventures Gareth Roberts 24 Medi - 1 Hydref 2007
The Lost Boy Phil Ford 12 - 19 Tachwedd 2007
From Raxacoricofallapatorius with Love Episôd Arbennig The Sarah Jane Adventures Gareth Roberts a Clayton Hickman 13 Mawrth 2009
The Gift Cyfres 3 The Sarah Jane Adventures Rupert Laight 19 - 20 2009
The End of Time Cyfres 4 Doctor Who Russell T Davies 25 Rhagfyr 2009 - 1 Ionawr 2010
The Nightmare Man Cyfres 4 The Sarah Jane Adventures Joseph Lidster 11 - 12 Hydref 2010
Monster File: Slitheen Wê-gast Monster Files Justin Richards 26 Ebrill 2008
Doctor in a Dash Gêm Doctor Who - 7 Rhagfyr 2007
Find the Alien The Sarah Jane Adventures Medi 2009
Think Before You Sonic! 2010
Plant and Animal Habitats Gemau BBC Bitesize KS2 2011
The Monsters Inside Nofel BBC New Series Adventures Stephen Cole 19 Mai 2005
The Nightmare of Black Island Mike Tucker 21 Medi 2006
The Slitheen Excursion Simon Guerrier 2 Ebrill 2009
Revenge of the Slitheen Nofeleiddiadau SJA Rupert Laight 1 Tachwedd 2007
The Lost Boy Gary Russell 6 Tachwedd 2008
Blathereen Dream Nofeleiddiad llun SJA Trevor Baxendale 2 Medi 2010
No Fun at the Fair Story sydyn Doctor Who Files 3: The Slitheen Jacqueline Rayner 8 Mehefin 2006
Andiba and the Four Slitheen Time Lord Fairy Tales Justin Richards 1 Hydref 2015
A Comedy of Terrors Twelve Doctors of Christmas Colin Brake 6 Hydref 2016
Shortness of Breath Now We Are Six Hundred James Goss 26 Medi 2017
Christmas Special Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor Cavan Scott 24 Rhagfyr 2016
The Taste of Death Sain The Tenth Doctor Chronicles Helen Goldwyn 18 Ebrill 2018
Death on the Mile Lady Christina: Series One Donald McLeary 23 Awst 2018
Sync Ystod Misol Torchwood Lisa McMullin 22 Mai 2019
Madquake Prif Ystod Big Finish Guy Adams 12 Awst 2020
Monster Hunt Comig Storïau comig SJA Trevor Baxendale 2009
Defending Bannerman Road Tachwedd 2010
To Sleep, Perchance to Scream Doctor Who Annual 2010 Al Davison 14 Gorffennaf 2010
Assimilation² Digwyddiad Star Trek IDW Scott & David Tipton, Tony Lee 30 Mai - 19 Rhagfyr 2012
Bazaar Adventures Prisoners of Time Scott & David Tipton 28 Chwefror 2013
Weapons of Past Destruction Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor Cavan Scott 1 Ebrill - 2 Rhagfyr 2015
Doctormania 13 Ebrill - 29 Mehefin 2016
A Stitch in Time Comic Creator Phil Hoskins 18 Mawrth 2016
Rhan 4 Liberation of the Daleks Doctor Who Magazine Alan Barnes 2 Chwefror 2023