Doctor Who Torchwood Wiki
Doctor Who Torchwood Wiki

Hinweis: Im Falle des achten Doctors, sind all diese Hörspiele gleichwertig mit Fernseh-Folgen zu betrachten, da sie innerhalb der TV-Serie als solche kanonisiert wurden. All diese Hörspiele spielen zwischen dem TV-Film und The Night of the Doctor.


Big Finish Doctor Who audio stories[]

Cover Titel Autor Veröffentlichung
Dwmr016 stormwarning 1417 cover large
Storm Warning Alan Barnes Januar 2001
Sword of Orion
Sword of Orion Nicholas Briggs Februar 2001
Stones of Venice
The Stones of Venice Paul Magrs März 2001
Minuet in Hell
Minuet in Hell Alan W. Lear
Gary Russell
April 2001
Dwmr028 invadersfrommars 1417 cover large
Invaders from Mars Mark Gatiss Januar 2002
Dwmr029 thechimesofmidnight 1417 cover large
The Chimes of Midnight Robert Shearman Februar 2002
Dwmr030 seasonsoffear 1417 cover large
Seasons of Fear Paul Cornell
Caroline Symcox
März 2002
20141012163830dwmr031 embracethedarkness 1417 cover large
Embrace the Darkness Nicholas Briggs April 2002
Dwmr032 thetimeofthedaleks 1417 cover large
The Time of the Daleks Justin Richards Mai 2002
Dwmr033 neverland 1417 cover large
Neverland Alan Barnes Juni 2002
Living Legend
Living Legend Scott Gray November 2003
Dwmr050 zagreus 1417 cover large
Zagreus Gary Russell
Alan Barnes
November 2003
Scherzo Robert Shearman Dezember 2003
The Creed of the Kromon
The Creed of the Kromon Philip Martin Januar 2004
The natural history of fear
The Natural History of Fear Jim Mortimore Februar 2004
The Twilight Kingdom
The Twilight Kingdom Will Shindler März 2004
Dwmr061 faithstealer 1417 cover large
Faith Stealer Graham Duff September 2004
Dwmr062 thelast 1417 cover large
The Last Gary Hopkins Oktober 2004
Dwmr063 caerdroia 1417 cover large
Caerdroia Lloyd Rose November 2004
Dwmr064 thenextlife 1417 cover large
The Next Life Alan Barnes
Gary Russell
Dezember 2004
Dwmr072 terrorfirma 1417 cover large
Terror Firma Joseph Lidster August 2005
Dwmr075 scaredycat 1417 cover large
Scaredy Cat Will Shindler Oktober 2005
Dwmr077 otherlives 1417 cover large
Other Lives Gary Hopkins Dezember 2005
Dwmr080 timeworks 1417 cover large
Time Works Steve Lyons März 2006
Dwmr083 somethinginside 1417 cover large
Something Inside Trevor Baxendale Juni 2006
Dwmr088 memorylane 1417 cover large
Memory Lane Eddie Robson Oktober 2006
Bf101 absolution big cover large
Absolution Scott Alan Woodard Oktober 2007
Dw103 the girl who never was - web - big cover large
The Girl Who Never Was Alan Barnes Dezember 2007
Dwmr123 thecompanyoffriends 1417 cover large
The Company of Friends Lance Parkin
Stephen Cole
Alan Barnes
Jonathan Morris
Juli 2009

Big Finish Eighth Doctor Adventures[]


Dark Eyes[]

Cover Titel Autor Veröffentlichung
Dark Eyes 1
Dark Eyes 1 Nicholas Briggs
Mark Wright
Dark Eyes 2
Dark Eyes 2 Nicholas Briggs
Alan Barnes
Matt Fitton
Dark Eyes 3
Dark Eyes 3 Matt Fitton 17.11.2014
Dark Eyes 4
Dark Eyes 4 John Dorney
Matt Fitton

Doom Coalition[]

Cover Titel Autor Veröffentlichung
Doom Coalition 1
Doom Coalition 1 Matt Fitton
John Dorney
Marc Platt
Edward Collier
Doom Coalition 2
Doom Coalition 2 Nicholas Briggs
John Dorney
Marc Platt
Matt Fitton
Doom Coalition 3
Doom Coalition 3 John Dorney
Matt Fitton
Doom Coalition 4
Doom Coalition 4 John Dorney
Matt Fitton


Cover Titel Autor Veröffentlichung
Ravenous 1
Ravenous 1 John Dorney
Matt Fitton
Ravenous 2
Ravenous 2 John DorneyMatt Fitton
Guy Adams
Ravenous 3
Ravenous 3 John Dorney
Matt Fitton
Ravenous 4
Ravenous 4 John Dorney
Matt Fitton


Cover Titel Autor Veröffentlichung
Stranded 1
Stranded 1 John Dorney
Matt Fitton
Lisa McMullin
David K. Barnes
Stranded 2
Stranded 2 Matt Fitton
Roy Gill
Lisa McMullin
John Dorney
Stranded 3
Stranded 3 Tim Foley
Lizzie Hopley
James Kettle
John Dorney
Stranded 4
Stranded 4 Matt Fitton
Lisa McMullin
Roy Gill
John Dorney

The Time War[]

Cover Titel Autor Veröffentlichung
The Time War 1
The Time War 1 John Dorney
Matt Fitton
Time War 2
The Time War 2 Jonathan Morris
Guy Adams
Timothy X Atack
Time War 3
The Time War 3 John Dorney
Matt Fitton
Lisa McMullin
Roland Moore
Time War 4
The Time War 4 John Dorney
Matt Fitton
Lisa McMullin


Cover Titel Autor Sprecher/in Veröffentlichung
Doctor Who TV-Film audio 1
Doctor Who Gary Russell Paul McGann 1996
Doctor Who TV-Film audio 2
Doctor Who Gary Russell Dan Starkey 2021

Short Trips[]

Cover Titel Autor Sprecher/in Veröffentlichung
Running Out of Time Dorothy Koomson India Fisher November 2010
Letting Go Simon Guerrier India Fisher 28.02.2011
All the Fun of the Fair Bev Conway India Fisher 31.05.2022
Quantum Heresy Avril Naude India Fisher August 2011
Foreshadowing Julian Richards India Fisher 31.08.2015
The Man Who Wasn't There
The Man Who Wasn't There Ian Atkins India Fisher 30.11.2016
The World Beyond the Trees
The World beyond the Trees Jonathan Barnes Nicola Walker 31.01.2017
All Hands on Deck
All Hands on Deck Eddie Robson Carole Ann Ford 03.10.2017
The Turn of the Screw Eddie Robson Yee Jee Tso 27.03.2018
Hall of the ten thousand
Hall of the Ten Thousand Jaine Fenn India Fisher 05.11.2019