Esta es la lista de apariciones de Rory Williams.

Doctor Who[]
Temporada 5[]
- En el último momento (introducción)
- Los vampiros de Venecia
- La elección de Amy
- La Tierra hambrienta / Sangre fría (muere)
- La Pandórica se abre / El Big Bang (Auton, renacido, reunión)
Temporada 6[]
- Un cuento de Navidad
- El astronauta imposible / El día de la Luna
- La maldición del punto negro
- La mujer del Doctor
- La carne rebelde / Las casi personas
- Un hombre bueno va a la guerra / Matemos a Hitler
- Terrores nocturnos
- La chica que esperó
- Complejo de Dios (salida)
- Hora de cerrar (cameo)
- La boda de River Song (invitado)
Extras de DVD[]
- Night and the Doctor: Bad night
- Space/ Time
Temporada 7[]
- El Doctor, la viuda y el armario (cameo extendido)
- Pond Life
- Asylum of the Daleks
- Dinosaurs on a Spaceship
- A Town Called Mercy
- The Power of Three
- The Angels Take Manhattan (salida)
BBC New Series Adventures - Eleventh Doctor novels[]
- The glamour chase
- Nuclear time
- The kings dragon
- Hunter's moon
- The way through the woods
- Dead of winter
- Touched by an angel
- Paradox lost
- Borrowed time
- The silent stars go by
2 in 1 books[]
- Dead riders / Heart of stone
- System wipe / The good, the bad and the alien
Doctor Who The Official Annual 2012[]
- Rory's adventure
Historias publicadas por Internet[]
- Snowfall
Audiolibros de la BBC[]
- The eye of the jungle
- Blackout
Doctor Who Annual[]
- Buzz!
- Attack of the 50ft Rory
- The house of lights
Doctor Who Adventures []
- Fist foot first
- Random history
- The salt solution
- Rory's story
- Sub-species
- Quite interesting
- Earworm
- If you go down to the woods today
- Ghost world
- Power of the Mykuootni
- Mine, all mine!
- Golden slumbers
- Sound bytes
- Chasing rainbows
- Pier gead from space
- The evergreen death
- The rage
- The peace strike
- Extinction event
- Hot stuff!
- The very cool bow tie!
- Reality cheque
- Road rage
- The king and the tripeberry
- Danger flight
- Dinosaurs in New York!
- Screamers!
- Grow your own
- The golesterkol collection
- Missing in action
- Peril on the sea
- Rock quasar and the mudslugs of gurrn
- Dino world
- The upper deck
- The moon of lost hope
- Vacuun packed
- Funny phone call!
- The deadly mutant
- The mutant turnip
- The secret star trail
- Agent 99
- Dimension warp
- The Kchrusivour gambit
- Trapped in the pages of history
- Dawn of the living bread
- The Frankenstein particle
- Dog of war!
- Harvest of doom
- The atomon invasion
- Wait until morning
- Humans aren't just for Christmas
- Vengeance of the atomon
- Picture imperfect
- The home store
- Cold comfort
- Faster than light
- The fairest of them all
- New and improved
- Malthill way
- The demons of Repton Abbey
- The punch & Judy trap
- Buy, buy, baby!
- Ghosts of the never-were
- The parasites
- Doomland
- Buying time
- Island of the Cyclopes
- Trouble on the Orion Express
- Dummy run
- The mirror war
- Ghost train
- I scream
- Le tour de death
- The sky is falling!
- The time gallery
- The cliff face
- Bumble of destruction
- The light catcher
- Dungeon of the lost
- The intergalactic trials
- 24-hour news invasion
- The panic room
- Terror from the swamp
- The planet that slept
- Planet of Rorys
- Dawn of time!
Doctor Who Magazine []
- The professor, the queen and the bookshop
- The chains of Olympus
- Sticks and stones
IDW Publishing[]
Mini-series y one-shots[]
Doctor Who (2011)[]
- Spam filtered
- Ripper's curse
- They think it's all over
- When worlds collide
Doctor Who Annual 2011[]
- Tuesday
- Your destiny awaits
- Space squid
- Body snatched
- Silent knight
- As time goes by