Dan Abnett est principalement un auteur de comic books. Il contribua plus particulièrement à Warhammer Fantasy et Warhammer 40,000 et à la lignée des Comics du Septième Docteur (Doctor Who Magazine) avant de contribuer pour Torchwood et coécrire le livre The Story of Martha.
Doctor Who[]
BBC Tenth Doctor Adventures[]
Livres audio[]
BBC Eleventh Doctor Adventures[]
Doctor Who Short Stories[]
Short Trips[]
- Six Impossible Things Before Breakfast (dans Short Trips: A Day in the Life)
- For the Man Who Has Everything (dans Short Trips: The Ghosts of Christmas)
- Tweaker (dans Short Trips: Transmissions)
Big Finish Productions[]
Comics du Troisième Docteur (Doctor Who Magazine)[]
- The Man in the Ion Mask
Comics du Septième Docteur (Doctor Who Magazine)[]
- Technical Hitch
- Hunger from the Ends of Time
- Echoes of the Mogor
- Darkness Falling
- The Grief
- Distractions
- Pureblood
- Cuckoo
- Victims
- The Mark of Mandragora
Doctor Who Magazine[]
Doctor Who Magazine Special[]
- Listening Watch (dans Doctor Who Magazine Special Winter 1991)
Doctor Who Magazine back-up comics stories[]
- Conflict of Interests
Livre audio[]
Charity Publications[]
- Who Counts As One Word? (dans Drabble Who)