Paul Magrs (se prononce comme Mars en anglais, né en novembre 1969) est l'écrivain de plusieurs romans, nouvelles et audio autant pour Doctor Who que de sa propre création. Son roman Sick Building fit parti de la courte liste pour le prix Doncaster Book Award.
Iris Wildthyme[]
Obverse Books[]
- The Panda Book of Horror
Doctor Who[]
BBC Past Doctor Adventures[]
- Verdigris
BBC Eighth Doctor Adventures[]
- The Scarlet Empress
- The Blue Angel (avec Jeremy Hoad)
- Mad Dogs and Englishmen
BBC Tenth Doctor Adventures[]
Drames audio de la BBC[]
Hornets' Nest[]
Demon Quest[]
Serpent Crest[]
Doctor Who Short Stories[]
- Old Flames (dans Short Trips (anthologie))
- Femme Fatale (dans More Short Trips)
- The Longest Story in the World (dans Short Trips and Side Steps)
Short Trips[]
- Jealous, Possessive (dans Short Trips: Zodiac)
- Kept Safe and Sound (dans Short Trips: Companions)
- Suitors, Inc. (dans Short Trips: Seven Deadly Sins)
- The Wickerwork Man (dans Short Trips: Farewells)
- Fanboys (dans Short Trips: Snapshots)
Doctor Who Storybook[]
- Zombie Motel (dans Doctor Who Storybook 2008)
- Hello Children, Everywhere (dans Doctor Who Storybook 2009)
- Knock Knock! (dans Doctor Who Storybook 2010)
Big Finish Productions[]
Excelis Saga[]
The New Eighth Doctor Adventures[]
Big Finish Productions[]
The Companion Chronicles[]
Charity Publications[]
- Titre inconnu (dans Perfect Timing 2)
- Titre inconnu (dans Walking in Eternity)
- Titre inconnu (dans Tales of the Solar System)
Iris Wildthyme[]
Big Finish Productions[]
Obverse Books[]
- The Dreadful Flap (dans Iris Wildthyme and the Celestial Omnibus)
- The Delightful Bag (dans The Panda Book of Horror)
- Hospitality (dans Iris: Abroad)
Snowbooks Ltd[]
- Enter Wildthyme