Peter Anghelides est un écrivain de plusieurs romans, nouvelles et audio Doctor Who en plus de deux romans pour Torchwood et un livre audio pour la série The Sarah Jane Adventures.
Doctor Who[]
BBC Eighth Doctor Adventures[]
- Kursaal
- Frontier Worlds
- The Ancestor Cell (avec Stephen Cole)
BBC Tenth Doctor Adventures[]
Livre audio[]
Doctor Who Short Stories[]
Short Trips[]
- Good Companions (dans More Short Trips)
- Revenants (dans Short Trips and Side Steps)
- The Tip of the Mind (dans Short Trips: Companions)
- Greenaway (dans Short Trips: Steel Skies)
- The Seismologist's Story (dans Short Trips: Repercussions)
- Spookasem (dans Short Trips: A Christmas Treasury)
- Presence (dans Short Trips: The History of Christmas)
Big Finish Productions[]
- Moving On (dans Decalog 3: Consequences)
- C9H13NO3 (dans Decalog 4: Re:Generations)
BBC Comic Maker[]
The Sarah Jane Adventures[]
Livre audio[]
Bernice Summerfield[]
Big Finish Productions[]
Drames audio de Big Finish Productions offerts aux abonnés[]
Sarah Jane Smith audio series[]
The Companion Chronicles[]
Charity Publications[]
- Titre inconnu (dans Perfect Timing 2)
- A Review of Survival (dans The Cat Who Walked Through Time)
- Titre inconnu (dans LifeDeath)