Steve Lyons est un écrivain britannique. Il a surtout écrit des romans et audio pour Doctor Who.
Doctor Who[]
Virgin New Adventures[]
- Conundrum
- Head Games
Virgin Missing Adventures[]
- Time of Your Life
- Killing Ground
Livres des précédents Docteurs (BBC)[]
- The Murder Game
- The Witch Hunters
- Salvation
- The Final Sanction
Livres du Huitième Docteur (BBC)[]
- The Space Age
- The Crooked World
Livres du Neuvième Docteur (BBC)[]
Livres du Onzième Docteur (BBC)[]
Livre audio[]
Nouvelles Doctor Who[]
- Freedom (dans Short Trips (anthologie))
- The Eternity Contract (dans More Short Trips)
- Face Value (dans Short Trips and Side Steps)
Big Finish Productions[]
- Hearts of Stone (dans Short Trips: Companions)
- Katarina in the Underworld (dans Short Trips: The Muses)
- The Destroyers (dans Short Trips: Life Science)
- The Colour of Monsters (dans Short Trips: Monsters)
- All Our Christmases (dans Short Trips: A Christmas Treasury)
- Father Figure (dans Short Trips: Farewells)
- See No Evil (dans Short Trips: Transmissions)
- Shamans (dans Short Trips: Indefinable Magic)
Destiny of the Doctor[]
Doctor Who Yearbook[]
- One Last Try (dans Doctor Who Yearbook 1995)
Penguin Books[]
2 en 1[]
Big Finish Productions[]
- The Completely Useless Encyclopedia (avec Chris Howarth)
- The Completely Unofficial Encyclopedia (avec Chris Howarth)
Bernice Summerfield[]
Big Finish Productions[]
The Audio Scripts[]
- The Fires of Vulcan (dans The Audio Scripts)
Gallifrey (série)[]
Supplément audio du Doctor Who Magazine[]
The Companion Chronicles[]
Iris Wildthyme[]
Obverse Books[]
- A Gamble with Wildthyme (dans Iris Wildthyme and the Celestial Omnibus)