Liste des apparitions de Susan Foreman
Doctor Who[]
Saison 1[]
- An Unearthly Child
- The Daleks
- The Edge of Destruction
- Marco Polo
- The Keys of Marinus
- The Aztecs
- The Sensorites
- The Reign of Terror
Saison 2[]
Spécial 1983[]
Spécial 1993[]
Saison 33/Saison 7 (DW 2005)[]
30 Years in the TARDIS[]
- Susan and the Daleks
Doctor Who[]
- The Five Doctors: Special Edition
- Marco Polo
- Planet of Giants
à ajouter
à ajouter
à ajouter
The Dalek Book[]
- The Message of Mystery
Doctor Who Magazine[]
- Time & Time Again
- Operation Proteus
- Ground Zero
- The Curious Tale of Spring-Heeled Jack
Comic Relief[]
- Comic Relief Comic
The Doctor Who Fun Book[]
- The Test of Time
IDW Publishing[]
Prisoners of Time[]
- Unnatural Selection
- Endgame
Mini-séries et one-shots[]
- The Forgotten
Doctor Who Annual[]
Doctor Who Annual 2010[]
- To Sleep, Perchance to Scream
Doctor Who The Official Annual 2019[]
- Where's the Doctor?
Doctor Who Adventures[]
- Time Trick
Titan Comics[]
Doctor Who: The First Doctor[]
- In-Between Times
Doctor Who: The Thirteenth Doctor[]
- The Many Lives of Doctor Who: The Path of Skulls
- The Meeting (Four Doctors back-up
- Supremacy of the Cybermen: Prologue: The First Doctor
Free Comic Book Day 2022[]
Comic Creator[]
- A Stitch in Time