The Blood Cell | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The Blood Cell est l'un des trois romans du Douzième Docteur publiés en 2014.
Résumé de l'éditeur[]
"Release the Doctor - or the killing will start."
An asteroid in the furthest reaches of space - the most secure prison for the most dangerous of criminals. The Governor is responsible for the worst fraudsters and the cruellest murderers. So he's certainly not impressed by the arrival of the man they're calling the most dangerous criminal in the quadrant. Or, as he prefers to be known, the Doctor.
What does impress the Governor is the way the new prisoner immediately sets about trying to escape. And keeps trying. Finally, he sends for the Doctor and asks him why? But the answer surprises even the Governor. And then there's the threat - unless the Governor listens to the Doctor, a lot of people will die.
Who is the Doctor and what's he really doing here? Why does he want to help the Governor? And who is the young woman who comes every day to visit him, only to be turned away by the guards?
When the killing finally starts, the Governor begins to get his answers...
- Douzième Docteur
- Clara Oswald
- Le Gouverneur
- Gardien Bentley
- L'Oracle
- Gardien Donaldson
- Lafcardio
- Abesse
- Marianne Globus
- Le Juge
- Gardien Gillian Donaldson
- Gardien Chandress
- Helen
- à compléter
- Clara a donne le gâteau d'anniversaire du Docteur à Danny Pink, et emprunte un balai à celui-ci (DW: Into the Dalek).
- Le Docteur utilise l'aïkido vénusien pour se défendre contre Abesse (DW: Inferno, Robot of Sherwood).
- Clara dit qu'à l'origine, le TARDIS ne l'aimait pas, et remarque que désormait, il la tolère (DW: The Rings of Akhaten, Hide, Clara and the TARDIS, The Day of the Doctor).
- Ce roman marque le débuts du Douzième Docteur en littérature.
- Il est entièrement écrit à la première personne, depuis le point de vue du Gouverneur.