Trevor Baxendale est un écrivain de plusieurs romans et nouvelles pour Doctor Who et Torchwood.
Doctor Who[]
BBC Past Doctor Adventures[]
- Fear of the Dark
BBC Eighth Doctor Adventures[]
- The Janus Conjunction
- Coldheart
- Eater of Wasps
- The Deadstone Memorial
BBC Tenth Doctor Adventures[]
Doctor Who Short Stories[]
- The Queen of Eros (dans Short Trips and Side Steps)
Short Trips[]
- Ash (dans Short Trips: A Universe of Terrors)
- Mortal Thoughts (dans Short Trips: Life Science)
- The Ghost's Story (dans Short Trips: Repercussions)
- Making History (dans Short Trips: A Day in the Life)
- Mars (dans Short Trips: The Solar System)
- Dr Cadabra (dans Short Trips: The Ghosts of Christmas)
Doctor Who Annual[]
- The Time Sickness (dans Doctor Who Annual 2009)
- The Vortex Code (dans Doctor Who Annual 2010)
- The Grey Hole (dans Doctor Who The Official Annual 2011)
Big Finish Productions[]
The Darksmith Legacy[]
Comics du Dixième Docteur (Doctor Who Adventures)[]
- 13 O'Clock
Penguin Books[]
2 en 1[]
Decide Your Destiny[]
Nouvelles Torchwood (Torchwood Magazine)[]
- Harm's Way
- They Keep Killing Andy
- Requiem
Torchwood Yearbook[]
- Plant Life (dans Torchwood Yearbook (2008))