- 42
- 42 (episod)
- A Christmas Carol
- A Good Man Goes to War
- Adam Mitchell
- Adelaide Brooke
- Adipose
- Agent Provocateur
- Al Cincelea Doctor
- Al Cincilea Doctor
- Al Doilea Doctor
- Al Doisprezecelea Doctor
- Al Doisprezecelea Doctor/Aparitii
- Al Doisprezecelea Doctor/Apariții
- Al Noualea Doctor
- Al Nouălea Doctor
- Al Optelea Doctor
- Al Optulea Doctor
- Al Patrulea Doctor
- Al Saptelea Doctor
- Al Saselea Doctor
- Al Treilea Doctor
- Al Unsprezecelea Doctor
- Al Unsprezecelea Doctor//Apariții
- Al Unsprezecelea Doctor/Aparitii
- Al Unsprezecelea Doctor/Galerie
- Al Zecelea Doctor
- Al Zecelea Doctor/Aparitii
- Al Zecelea Doctor/Apariții
- Al unsprezecelea ceas
- Al Șaptelea Doctor
- Al Șaselea Doctor
- Aliens of London
- Aliens of London/Aparitii
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- Amy Pond
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- Autonul Stăpânului
- Aventurile lui Sarah Jane Smith
- Bad Wolf
- Bane
- Bestia din adâncuri
- Blink
- Blood of the Cybermen
- Boom Town
- Bowie Base One
- Calea Lactee
- Camera Zero
- Cange
- Canton Delaware
- Cardiff
- Cassandra O'Brien.Δ17
- Children of Earth: Day Two
- Children of Earth Day Five
- Children of Earth Day Four
- Children of Earth Day One
- Children of Earth Day Three
- Children of Earth Day Two
- Chrissie Jackson
- City of the Daleks (joc video)
- Closing Time
- Clyde Langer
- Cold Blood
- Cyberman
- Cybermen
- Cyberwoman
- DW
- Dalek
- Dalek (TV)
- Dalek (TV)/Aparitii
- Dalek (TV)/Apariții
- Dalek (TV)/Galerie
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- Daleks in Manhattan
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- Day of the Moon
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- Dna Wormwood
- Doctor
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- Doctorul
- Dominion (poveste audio)
- Donna Noble
- Doomsday
- Editorul
- Edward Gold
- Enemy of the Bane
- Episod special de Crăciun (2014)
- Everything Changes
- Evolution of the Daleks
- Extratereștrii au câștigat
- Eye of the Gorgon
- Father's Day
- Father's Day/Aparitii
- Father's Day/Apariții
- Father's Day/Galerie
- Fear Her
- Flesh and Stone
- Florida
- Forest of the Dead
- Francesco
- Franta
- Franța
- Gallifrey
- George Steer
- Germania
- Ghost Machine
- Glasgow
- Gloria Clayton
- Goodbye, Sarah Jane Smith
- Gridlock
- Gwen Cooper
- Harriet Jones
- Hibrid
- Human Nature
- Ianto Jones
- Institutul Torchwood
- Invasion of the Bane
- Jack Harkness
- Jackie Tyler
- Jagrafess
- Jenny (The Doctor's Daughter)
- Jorjie Turner
- Journey's End
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- K-9 (TV)
- Kovarian
- Krop Tor
- Last Christmas (2014)
- Last of the Time Lords
- Let's Kill Hitler
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- Lorzi ai Timpului
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- Lythia
- MAS 1
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- Mentorul (Death to the Doctor!)
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- Midnight (Planeta)
- Midnight (TV)
- Miranda Dawkins
- Mondas
- Mr. Smith
- Necronomicon
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- Nyssa
- Oameni
- Om
- Only Human
- Ood
- Ood Sphere
- Pakistan
- Pamant
- Pamantul
- Pandorica se deschide
- Paris
- Partners in Crime
- Pete Tyler
- Planet of the Dead
- Planet of the Ood
- Platform One
- Primul Doctor
- Primul Doctor/Galerie
- Pământ
- Pământul înfometat
- Rani Chandra
- Raxacoricofallapatorian
- Raxacoricofallapatorius
- Reapers
- Regenerare
- Regeneration
- Revenge of the Slitheen
- Rise of the Cyberman
- Rise of the Cybermen
- River Song
- Romania
- România
- Rory Williams
- Rosanna Calvierri
- Rose
- Rose (TV)
- Rose (TV)/Aparitii
- Rose (TV)/Apariții
- Rose (TV)/Galerie
- Rose Tyler
- Rusia
- Sally Sparrow
- Sarah Jane Smith
- Satellite 5
- Satellite Five
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- Secrets of the Stars
- Seria 1 (Doctor Who)
- Seria 2 (Doctor Who)
- Seria 3 (Doctor Who)
- Shadows of the Vashta Nerada
- Silence in the Library
- Silent
- Silurians
- Skaro
- Slitheen
- Small Words
- Small Worlds
- Smith and Jones
- Soare
- Soarele
- Sontar
- Sontaran
- Splinx
- Starkey
- Statele Unite ale Americii
- Stăpânul
- Stăpânul//Apariții
- Stăpânul/Apariții
- Stăpânul viselor
- Stăpîn al Timpului
- Sycorax
- TARDIS-ul Stăpânului
- TARDIS-ul lui Goth
- TV
- Terra
- Terror of the Autons
- The Age of Steel
- The Almost People
- The Art of Destruction
- The Beast Below
- The Big Bang
- The Christmas Invasion
- The Clockwise Man
- The Curse of the Black Spot
- The Dark Path (roman)
- The Day of the Clown
- The Deviant Strain
- The Doctor's Daughter
- The Doctor's Wife
- The Doctor Dances
- The Doctor Falls
- The Editor
- The Eleventh Hour
- The Empty Child
- The End Of The World
- The End Of The World/Aparitii
- The End of Time
- The Family of Blood
- The Feast of the Drowned
- The Fires of Pompeii
- The Five Masters
- The Five Masters (bandă desenată)
- The Forgotten
- The Girl Who Waited
- The Girl in the Fireplace
- The God Complex
- The Good, the Bad and the Alien
- The Hungry Earth
- The Idiot's Lantern
- The Impossible Astronaut
- The Impossible Planet
- The Keeper of Traken
- The Last Dalek
- The Lazarus Experiment
- The Lodger
- The Long Game
- The Mark of the Rani
- The Master
- The Mentor (Death to the Doctor!)
- The Monsters Inside
- The Next Doctor
- The Nightmare of Black Island
- The Pandorica Opens
- The Parting of the Ways
- The Poison Sky
- The Price of Paradise
- The Rani
- The Rebel Flesh
- The Resurrection Casket
- The Runaway Bride
- The Satan Pit
- The Shakespeare Code
- The Sontaran Stratagem
- The Sound of Drums
- The Stealers of Dreams
- The Stolen Earth
- The Stone Rose
- The Time of Angels
- The Unicorn and the Wasp
- The Unquiet Dead
- The Unquiet Dead/Aparitii
- The Unwanted Gift of Prophecy (povestire)
- The Vampires of Venice
- The Waters of Mars
- The Waters of Mars/Aparitii
- The Wedding of Sarah Jane Smith
- The Weeding of River Song
- The Whispering Gallery
- Timpul îngerilor
- Tooth and Claw
- Torchwood
- Torchwood (TV)
- Torchwood 2
- Torchwood 3
- Trup și piatră
- Turn Left
- Ungaria
- Utah
- Utopia
- Vampirii din Veneția
- Veena Brady
- Victory of the Daleks
- Vincent and the Doctor
- Voyage of the Damned
- Warriors of Kudlak
- Weeping Angels
- Whatever Happened to Sarah Jane?
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